Saturday, January 20, 2007

Seeing as I don't use this blog anymore, I thought it might make a good place to test new Blogger elements before I put them on another blog.

Monday, February 07, 2005

Holy crap, this is the little website that just keeps going and going and going! My regular blog,, doesn't get this much traffic! I check the stats every so often, and it's interesting how many people search for information on Jodie Foster and whether or not she's a lesbian. More than are curious if she's an atheist, that's for sure, but some people search for that as well. It's cool that the little website I made more or less as an inside joke has taken on such life though. Thank you all for visiting!

Thursday, October 09, 2003

I had a Christmas carol stuck in my head today. The ironic thing about that music as an atheist is that my favourite holiday songs have always been the religious ones. The words themselves don't mean anything to me, though some are poetic in an of themselves, but the music itself tends to be more beautiful than the tunes most secular Christmas songs are set to. Maybe it's just more difficult to come up with a spectacular melody about Santa Claus and reindeer.

Thursday, September 18, 2003

Tomorrow is International Talk Like a Pirate Day! Arrrrrrrrrrr! I'm am going to soooo annoying at work if the scurvy dogs here don't like my swashbuckling linguistics! Yes, I'm getting ahead of myself, but it's too much fun and with the splash Pirates of the Caribbean made this year, the buccaneers should be out in full force. Shiver me timbers, this should be a national holiday. An international holiday! I can see greeting cards being sent, gifts bought for friends and family to loot and plunder, and people everywhere decked out in pirate costumes. Oh yeah!
Of course it would all be ruined for me if Texas decides to execute its prisoners by walking the plank instead of injecting them with poison, but that's really a pointless non sequitor that completely came from nowhere, other than my not caring much for Texas or its high prisoner death toll.
Arrrrrrr! But that's not in the fun spirit of International Talk Like a Pirate Day! We need parades with floats decked out like pirate galleons with cannons that shoot confetti and streamers at the people on the sidewalks! And frankly I wouldn't be too upset if Canada changed from the dollar to the dubloon. Arrrr...

Wednesday, December 18, 2002

Pffff. Blogger screwed up the template, which is why this page has changed. Once again, I can't be bothered.
Whoo hoo!

And this too!

You know, of all the sites I've ever made, the one I put the least amount of time and effort into is the one that gets the most traffic and links. Not even my half-hearted, aborted attempt to get serious with this blog section doesn't stop the hits from rolling in. Not that the site itself is getting all that much attention. Most people who find it do so by Googling "Jodie Foster lesbian". I don't even know if anyone as ever found it by trying "Jodie Foster atheist".

Anyway... Hello! I'd fix the Comments link, but that would go against the whole putting next to no effort into this thing thing.

Tuesday, March 05, 2002

Not that anyone will notice (Feb. 22?), but I'm going to be gone for a while. Unfortunately that means I won't be able to get anyone signed up to be able to post in here. If you'd like to help bring this journal to life when I get back, click on Comments below and let me know.

Friday, February 22, 2002

I tell you, the more George W. Bush and US Attorney General John Ashcroft open their mouths, the happier I am not to live down south. Check this out. Don't blame me for finding it though. I stay away from Fox News on the net, and don't get it as a channel. Thanks for Fellicity for bringing this to our attention.